5 Nevers with a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage

posted by admin on 06.08.2018 in Press Release  | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , ,  | Comments Off on 5 Nevers with a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage

In an attempt to dispel misunderstandings regarding Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECMs), we in the industry have coined what are called the “5 Nevers”. They are:

Never Give up Title to the Home

Home Equity Conversion Mortgages are just that – a mortgage and just like a conventional loan the borrower retains title to the property.

Never Owe More Than the Home is Worth

HECMs are insured by the FHA so the borrower is never “underwater” when it’s time to repay the loan. Any amount due that exceeds the value of the home will be paid to the Lender from this insurance.

Never Have to Move

The mortgage balance becomes due when the home is no longer the primary residence or the last borrower or qualified non-borrowing spouse sells the home, is deceased or when property obligations are not met.

Never Have to Make Monthly Mortgage Payments

No monthly mortgage payments are required but the Borrower is still responsible for paying Real Estate Taxes, Homeowner’s Insurance, HOA/Condo Fees and maintaining the property.

Never Pay Taxes on Loan Proceeds

Loan proceeds are from housing equity and are therefore are not taxed. This is not to be construed as tax advice – consult your tax professional.

There are more important Home Equity Conversion Mortgage features in addition to the “5 Nevers”, please contact us for details.